Our woman volleyball team won the gold medal at the Academic Polish Championships. The competition took place last weekend in Warsaw. Congratulations on your historic success !!!
On 28.11 the gym will only be open from 12:15 to 15:30.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Due to lack of interest, we are closing classes from 25.11: TBC & stretching - Monday 14:00-15:30
Go to website: dziennikwf.kozminski.edu.pl
Log in with your student data and check how many PE attendances you already have.
Due to lack of interest, we will be closing classes from 11.11:
Tuesday 14:00-15:30 - futsal
Thursday 10:15-11:45 - circular training
In accordance with the organization of the academic year on October 31, 2024, there will be no sports activities and the gym is closed.